Wednesday, 15 May 2013

What I'm reading #4

My long weekend took rather more out of me than I anticipated, though the tea haul was certainly worthwhile. Let's not talk about that though, let's talk about books instead!

What are you currently reading?

I haven't touched Quiet by Susan Cain and A Place of Execution by Val McDermid since last time so I'm not sure if they really count.

I recently started Lois McMaster Bujold's Komarr, and I really enjoyed what I've read so far. I only put it down because I didn't have the spoons to carry on, and the omnibus edition I bought resembles a brick. It's certainly not the biggest one in my collection, but it was big enough to cause problems at the time.

The one I'm actively reading, i.e. I only put down about ten minutes ago, is Darkening Skies by Juliet E McKenna. It's the follow on Dangerous Waters (which I'll talk about below) and so far I am loving it.

What did you recently finish reading?

I finished one of Lois McMaster Bujold's novellas, Winterfair Gifts and I adored it. I don't really have much else to say about it really. I also reread her A Civil Campaign, and I think I loved it even more this time around. It was just so easy to sink into reading it, and I kept smiling as I read it. I think it's going to be a comfort read for me, and I can see myself rereading it repeatedly.

Dangerous Waters by Juliet E McKenna. I ended up enjoying it just as much as I thought I would, to the extent I couldn't wait to get my hands on the next book. McKenna managed that rare trick of making me care about reading about characters I wasn't particularly fond of, and she certainly has a knack with creating multifaceted characters. I enjoyed everything about it, from the world building, the characters, the politics, to the magic systems and the plot itself. I definitely have a soft spot for the wizards though, Jilseth in particular. I can see it growing better with rereads, and I definitely see that happening, as well as rereading McKenna's earlier stuff sometime later this year.

Calculated in Death by J D Robb. It was an okay entry in the series. I think by this point I am mainly reading for the characters, especially the Dallas - Peabody interaction but it was an enjoyable enough way to pass a tired afternoon.

What do you think you’ll read next?

I don't know why I bother answering this one as every week I turn around and read something else! :D I'll probably finish off the McKenna trilogy, then pick something from my library pile.

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