Saturday, 8 March 2014

What I'm reading

What did you recently finish reading?
Fortune's Pawn by Rachel Bach. I don't really think I can be objective about this book as it hit every one of my favourite spots and hit them extremely well. I will say that it was worth the wait, and I agree with everyone else who says they love it. Roll on the next book!

Django Wexler’s The Thousand Names. I'm glad I carried on reading because I rather enjoyed the ending. There was enough in the book that I liked (both character wise and world building wise) that carrying on didn't feel like a chore despite the military heavy bits not being quite my cup of tea. I certainly liked it enough  to read the next one when it comes out, and I'm quite looking forward to it actually.

Dirty Magic by Jaye Wells. Another one I really enjoyed. I enjoyed it much more than Well's last series, and I seriously love the worldbuilding that is going on in this series. I like most of the characters too, even the ones I don't like I don't mind reading about which is rare for me, and I'm quite eager to read the next one. 

Concealed in Death by JD Robb. The story wasn't the greatest, but I loved, loved, loved the character interactions in this book. Perfect for curling up with on a winter's day. 

What are you currently reading?
I've just started both Cross and Burn by Val McDermid and Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie but I'm not really far enough in in either to have formed a solid opinion yet.

What do you think you’ll read next?
Your Camera Loves you by Khara Plicanic. Well starting it at least as I suspect I'll be dipping in and out of it for a while. 

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