Sunday, 10 August 2014

Reading what ever day of the week it is...

Between applying to go back to university, my wee sister passing all her highers, and my wee brother getting engaged, it's been a whirlwind of a week. A good one, but hectic all the same, and I'm finding it hard to believe it's Sunday night already so let's get on with the reading!

What I've finished reading
I ended up DNFing God's War by Kameron Hurley and Lascar's Dagger by Glenda Larke. Both were well written and full of interesting ideas. In the case of God’s War, it just wasn’t my cup of tea (I really should know by now that anything described as gritty or dark just isn’t for me.) As for Lascar’s Dagger, there was a lot of worldbuilding and character traits that I normally love, but I just couldn’t get into it. I think it was a case of good book, wrong time. I’ll definitely try one of Larke’s other books at some point.

Nice Dragons Finish Last by Rachel Aaron. The day Aaron writes something that doesn’t completely hit all my buttons and make me grin in glee is the day hell freezes over. By which I mean I completely loved it, and I cannot wait for the next one. I love the worldbuilding in this but more than that, I love the main two characters to bits, and I could have read about them all day. Plus, the vast majority of supporting characters, good, bad and not entirely sure yet, feel well rounded and appropriately scary in places. Definitely one I’m going to reread, and I'm looking forward to the promised paper edition coming out.

The Hangman's Song and Dead Men's Bones by James Oswald. I raced through both of these this weekend, and I really enjoyed them. I like the mix of crime and supernatural, and the way there could be a rational explanation for all the events but there probably isn't. I like the way the threads and loose ends are running through the series now, and I'm loving the whole cast of characters, even Duguid. Long story short, I like Oswald's writing, he had me laughing a couple of times and these held my interest all the way through, unlike all the other crime novels I've tried recently.  I'll definitely be keeping my eyes peeled for the next in the series.

What I'm reading
Magic Breaks by Ilona Andrews. I'm about a third of the way through it and enjoying it so far. I'm looking forward to reading the ending, but I can definitely agree with the reviews I've seen that the pacing is a little off. It's not enough to stop me reading, but I do think it has leeched some of the (admittedly rather large) enthusiasm I had for the book. 

What I'm reading next
Queen of the Tearling by Erika Johansen has just come in for me on short loan, and I've heard reports it's not bad so I'm eager to see for myself. I also plan on rereading Earth Girl and Earth Star by Janet Edwards as Earth Flight comes out next week.

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