The cloth on the left was my first attempt getting back at it, and I deliberately chose a cotton DK because the cloth was something I would use regardless of how badly it turned out. In the end I don’t think it turned out too badly, though I did keep losing stitches at the end of the rows, but on the plus side at least some of the ridges are intentional!
The motif on the right was several relatively plain cloths later (both square and circular I’m pleased to say), and I am really pleased with how well I’ve come on in such a quick time. I changed over to a merino 4-ply as these motifs are part of the secret project I’m helping out with.
Since then my confidence and speed have definitely picked up as well as this pile of motifs will attest. Plus I’m managing to stay consistent in my stitches, and I can now crochet this motif whilst chatting away at knitting group. Definitely a sign of progress I think.
And I’m even feeling confident enough to follow a pattern that hasn’t been thoroughly explained by the master crocheter herself (AKA Mum). This is the start of a puff stitch hexy from Kat Goldin’s pattern on her blog. I’m using a some left over acrylic wool mix in a heavy DK, and the eventual plan will to be to use up various bits and bobs for a cosy blanket.
I think learning any new skill is always a big achievement, but I think this feels even bigger for me. My mental health the last year or so really hasn’t been great, and picking up the crochet hook and keeping on going has felt like climbing a mountain. I honestly think it’s helped me get further down the road to recovery and helped me make life changing decisions that will further help. Obviously it’s not the only reason I’m getting better (my awesome family and GP for the main part), but I really can’t put into words how great it feels to show myself that I can still learn something new, and that I’m not totally useless and stuck for the rest of my life.
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