2015 seemed to fly by and I think I'm a little in denial that it's the 6th of January all ready.
Never the less, it's that time of year where I reflect and think about what I want to achieve in the coming year.
My goals for 2015 were:
Get back into sewing - I didn't get a needle roll made as I had planned but I did make a few envelope pouches and Christmas baubles, and I'm happy with how my back stitch, whip stitch and blanket stitch turned out.
Carry on improving my photography skills - I'm definitely happier with a lot of my photos which was my aim, and I feel like I understand the technical aspects a lot better.
Knit a pair of toe-up socks - done! (
Owl Socks) I'm definitely a convert.
Graduate - With Distinction! (More on that later)
Practise spinning - I did a little but not as much as I would have liked.
Work with beads - again I did a little but not the full projects worth I had planned. I'm aiming to get that project finished this year.
Comment and interact more - Whoops? It's been a quiet year all round for a variety of reasons but I plan on this year being better.
Manage my time better - I'm happier with my levels of faffing about being lower which is what I was aiming for.
End the year lighter and fitter -
I'm definitely fitter but not lighter. I'm happy with my progress for the most part though so I'm not going to beat myself up about it.
Finish the original fiction piece
- not by a long shot but I did add more words to it as well as add an additional thread that improves it.
Some of my goals for 2016 are similar:
Finish the novel - the first draft at least.
Spin more - if I finish the year with one complete skein I'll be happy
Sew a garment -
ideally, I've got my eye on a pair of pyjama bottoms but anything will make me happy.
Practise embroidery - I've been bitten by the stitching bug and I'd like to at least be able to do french knots and satin stitch to expand my ability to decorate fabric.
Knit more patterns in queue and stash - I have a lot of yarns paired with patterns ready to be knitted up, I just need to actually knit them now. If I can cross four patterns off my list I'll be happy.
Blog more - I really missed blogging and all the interaction of social media last year so I'm very eager to get back to it.
Reach target weight - I've made a promise to myself that this year I am finally going to reach this. In part it will involve getting fitter but by and large it's mostly down to me eating better and making better choices.
A lot of people have being picking one word intentions for the year, and I've settled on '
Believe' for mine. Believe in myself, my abilities and that I am actually capable of reaching for and getting what I want.
Which brings me onto possibly the hardest goals for 2016, the ones the really require me to believe.
Apply for PhD funding - I'm really excited about the topic and a lot of people around me have been very encouraging, I just need to take a deep breath and believe that I can actually do it rather than let my fear take over.
Submit paper -
supervisor from my dissertation wants to get it published so I need to work on editing it down to article size before sending out it to a journal. Again, I've realised that part of what is holding me back is my self-esteem and the worry that it's not good enough.
Write a shawl pattern
- I've got a shawl or two that's been in my head for a couple of years
that I would like to finally translate to paper and yarn even if it's
just for myself.
Here's to a good 2016!